Who is Cindy Falco-DiCorrado? Maskless Florida Karen accuses Black cop of stealing her purse as she'

Florida woman Cindy Falco-DiCorrado has joined the ranks of maskless Karens. She was all decked up in animal print while inside an Einstein Bros. bagel joint where she was filmed maskless when management asked her to leave. She refused to leave and was arrested on Thursday, January 14, in Palm Beach County after she claimed that it was her constitutional right to not wear a mask. The cops, one of them Black, who arrived to handle the situation ended up being accused by Cindy of violating her "personhood" and trying to kidnap her and steal her purse.
According to the arrest affidavit, according to a TMZ report, Cindy told the cops that she was exercising her constitutional right to not wear a mask. They later tried to arrest her for trespassing after sensing things were going out of control. That's when the 61-year-old began hurling accusations and eventually a second cop had to come in to help get her out of the bagel shop. Cindy was finally taken outside where she was placed under arrest. She then started accusing both the cops of trying to steal her purse and in an unexpected turn of events started praying, leaving the cops amused. Check the video below.
Cindy was eventually arrested and booked for trespassing and resisting arrest. She spent the night in jail and was released on Friday afternoon after which she called it "an unbelievable horrific experience" while also adding that she had "no idea" that she could get arrested for not wearing a mask. For those who don't know, this is not the first time that she's had a run-in with the law and found herself stirring up controversy. She is a committed supporter of President Donald Trump and because of her loyalty to him, she was forced to resign from her volunteer seat on the County's Community Redevelopment Agency Advisory Board in 2017. This was after she had made controversial remarks during a meeting to designate Boynton Beach a sanctuary city. According to Sun-Sentinel, one of the remarks she made was telling Boynton resident Mathi Mugilan to "speak better English". Allegedly, she had also told Black residents, "You’re lucky we brought you over as slaves, or else you’d be deported, too.”
Residents banded together and accused Cindy of spewing racial slurs towards them at the commission meeting where Mugilan had said, "We will keep pressing on until the City Commission fires this white supremacist from a job that gives her direct power over the lives of people of color," according to Palm Beach Post. In the wake of all the opposition, Cindy sent in her resignation. She wrote to the city's clerk that she received a new career opportunity and that she'd like to give up her position on the CRA board as well as the art council.
“I also heard that the City of Boynton Beach is being attacked through my stance on Sanctuary cities and things that I said that were taken out of context and it just keeps getting worse as those who have hate in their hearts only can hear and see hate,” Cindy wrote. “I ask if anyone was hurt by things that I said that could of been misconstrued, taken out of context, or due to misunderstandings to please forgive me. For the record, I am NOT a racist nor a white supremacist (which I had to look up what it meant) I forgive them too," she added.