
Twitter Subscribers Pissed That Musk Is Personally Paying for Celebs Blue Checks

When Elon Musk vowed to scrap Twitter’s verified blue checkmarks and replace them with a pay-to-play system, he said it was to do away with the “lords & peasants system for who has or doesn’t have a blue checkmark.” But many of those coughing up $8 a month were annoyed Thursday when Musk revealed he was personally paying for checkmarks for a few select celebrities who had vowed not to pay themselves, including LeBron James, Stephen King, and William Shatner. “Charity for celebrities, but peasants pay up. lol,” wrote former Trump flack Katrina Pierson, who paid for her blue check. “So much for ‘equal treatment,’” another Twitter Blue subscriber complained. “If there is one person who should not get covered it's Lebron. This flies in the face of everything u have said,” another said. While some super-fans said they thought the move was hilarious, others griped about paying $8 when they could barely afford it. “Rare Elon L,” one user said. “Yeah, that's actually really pathetic,” another responded.

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Delta Gatti

Update: 2024-06-17