
Jennifer Lawrence reveals that Bradley Coopers butt sweats before his armpits


Jennifer Lawrence had a pretty great Christmas holiday. First, she spent the holiday in Louisville, Kentucky, her hometown. A few days before Christmas, she went to Kosair Children’s Hospital and spent hours visiting with sick kids. She didn’t even publicize the visit herself – we only know she spent hours at the hospital because the kids and the kids’ parents posted photos of her to social media.

J-Law’s big awards-baity film, Joy, also opened over the long Christmas holiday. While no one expected Star Wars numbers, this film was seen as a “test” of J-Law’s non-Hunger Games star power. And she delivered. Well, she met expectations. Joy opened with $17.5 million this weekend and analysts think the film will probably break $100 million when all is said and done, especially if Jennifer walks away with a Best Actress Oscar nomination. As for the actual awards… Jennifer will not be getting much for Joy. This might be one of those occasions when there’s a lot of affection for the star of the film but not much affection for the actual film. Joy’s reviews were mixed, let’s say that. It’s currently sitting at 57% at Rotten Tomatoes.

And finally, J-Law had something gross/funny to reveal about Bradley Cooper, her frequent costar and friend:

Your Adorably Potty Mouthed BFF Jennifer Lawrence is once again Getting Real with interviewers about what it’s like to be a celebrity. This time, it involves her frequent co-star, Bradley Cooper.

“When we were doing our dance lessons together, I’m pretty sure he sweats from his butt first,” she told KISS FM. “You know, you’ve got pit stains everywhere but like his butt would start sweating and I’m like, ‘Is your butt sweating before your armpits are sweating?'”

Unfortunately, they didn’t have long conversations about how his butt is 90-percent sweat glands. “We didn’t, you know, have long conversations about it. It’s just something I kind of like clocked.”

[From Cosmo]

That’s embarrassing. That’s an embarrassing thing to reveal about your friend/costar. And dancing is aerobic, of course you’re going to sweat. It would be like working out at the gym with your friend and then telling the world that your friend gets super-sweaty on the treadmill. Anyway, at least we now know why Bradley Cooper wears booty shorts: it’s because he needs to air out his sweaty butt.



Photos courtesy of WENN, Pacific Coast News.


Christie Applegate

Update: 2024-06-16