Celeb-spotting in Perthshire as Mary Berry, John Newman and Paolo Nutini soak up the sights and soun
Perthshire became a who's who of UK and international stars over the past week with some famous faces dropping by.
Singer-songwriter John Newman was spotted relaxing in Highland Perthshire and posed for photos as he stopped off at Taymouth Marina.
John Newman, along with his brother and BRIT award winner James Newman and songwriter Johnny Coffer took time out of their busy schedules to spend a day unwinding at HotBox on Loch Tay, Scotland’s only lochside sauna on Thursday, March 23.

Taymouth Marina’s marketing manager Angus Mackay said: “It was a real pleasure to have the gents here. They came two days in a row and were blown away by the scenery of Loch Tay and loved our HotBox sauna.
“It’s all very top secret but they were taking a break from a project that they’re working on together. I think they appreciated just being able to relax and unwind here.”
Meanwhile, in Perth a visit by Great British Bake Off judge Mary Berry was the icing on the cake for diners.
The popular TV star stopped off at The Bothy on the Fair City’s Mill Street on Monday.
Diners watched as she came in with a large group of others to use the eatery’s downstairs private dining room.
Surprised staff quickly got to work serving Mary and her friends a ‘show-stopper’ meal.
Mary enjoyed a starter of goats cheese filo parcel, and ordered a main course of crayfish and pea risotto with a salmon fillet.
The Bothy’s general manager Vinny McLeod said: “About 17 of them came in last night [Monday] to use the private dining room.
“We were expecting the party, but we didn’t know it was going to be Mary Berry until she arrived, which was a complete shock to the guys.”

And then in Crieff Scottish singer-songwriter Paolo Nutini turned a few as he was spotted at the Famous Grouse Experience.
The Paisley-raised star was presented with a souvenir bottle of Scotland’s national drink at Glenturret Distillery as he posed for photos and chatted to staff on Wednesday.
Famous Grouse Experience general manager Stuart Cassells said: “We are glad that Paolo put his new shoes on and visited Crieff. We’re even more pleased he made a visit to the distillery as part of his trip.”
The 30-year-old is believed to be on holiday in the Strathearn area, as he was also spotted enjoying dinner at Crieff’s Delivino restaurant – with locals following his moves closely on social media.